I am starting this blog to document my journey to convert the Frank Reilly drawing methods into parell methodes for 3D modeling. I will be focusing on how the planes of the face and body are guildlines for polygon edge placement and edge flow.

I am starting on a long study of the traditional application of the Reilly methodes. Before I try to convert it over to 3d, I must first perfect my knowledge on paper. Only once I understand it on paper will the knowledge transfer to polygons.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fall 2011 - Character Concepts

Last Fall I had my first course for my masters degree and was able to use the Reilly method to draw up several concepts for a game document I created for the course project.  It was a great experiment about how to use the planes of the face to develop character from scratch.  I even went as far and used the concepts from the Reilly method to create a alien race as well.  Here are some of the results from that project.  I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Barbarians Model Sheet

Here is the full model sheet for the Barbarian character I am working on. I had to stop working on him for a minute due to my SCAD Admissions portfolio, but now that I have cleared that out of the way I should have time to get him completed; textured, rigged, skinned and animated.  He will probably be the star of my next game so I am going all out on him.  Poly plane hair, so I can get the animations in the game, full normal maps and an arsenal of weapons and equipment.  I was also amazed at how the Reilly Method made creating the model sheet a breeze.  I am not a concept artist, but when trying to line up the features the simplified Reilly layouts for the front and the side made lining up the views a piece of cake.  From the concept all the way to the 3D model the Reilly Method of figure drawing is really fitting that missing piece of the puzzle... how to go from paper to poly.

Monday, January 10, 2011

3D Head: The Barbarian

Here is the 3D head model of a barbarian I am working on.  I have added several more Reilly lines into my mesh, I actually do not think I can put any more in, but I will try.  I created the reference using the Reilly Method and due to that workflow the 3D model was very easy, I just had to follow the lines that I created in the concept.  I love it when everything comes together.

The New Year: A New Reilly Layout

I have been quite as of late, but I am still working on perfecting this style and converting it into 3D.  I have made some great strides over the past couple of months.  My newest head model is again the best one I have completed to date, and it is solely completed from these methods.  The hand drawn head was completed using the Reilly method, and one of my own design.  I have taken several different layouts combined them into one and even adjusted them for the purpose of lining up is mesh more accurately in 3D software.  Here is the current head I am working with, it is the one in the lower right corner of the image.  The others show some steps I took evolving the layout into this final version that I am using.  Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Past Two Weeks

I decided to post my drawings from the past two weeks as one, mainly because I only got a couple of drawings per session that I want to post up. The shapes and forms are coming along much better these days, along with my edge quality. I am almost starting to think that all these drawing I have been doing are starting to pay off. The last class we were only working on three minute drawings and I kept wishing I had just two more minutes on some of them. Two weeks ago we we doing 8 minute drawings allowing more full body sketches. I did not apply any shading to the drawings, I was mostly concentrating on the line and edge placement of the anatomy. Hopefully when I get more time on the drawings my edges will rock, and the shading will only harmonize with the forms I have edged in. One step at a time.

Al Capone 3D Head Model

Here is another head model that is based on the Reilly planes of the face. This mode of Al Capone was actually completed before the other head I posed up. You will notice that from this head to the last head I have applied more of the Reilly planes, and I will continue to due to and refine the actual mesh layout until it is almost flawless, then I may have to write a book on this topic so that the 3D community can except/reject these modeling methods. So far the feedback I am getting though is quite positive, everyone is always looking for new techniques and I think I think I may have found one.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Drawing and Anatomy: Quarter Start

I started back up last week sitting in on the Drawing and Anatomy class again, but since it was day one we did not get much drawing time and did mostly only warm ups. These drawing were from week 2, yesterday. I am getting better line work and still focusing on the body layout, I was putting extra attention into the workings of the knee and elbow. Hope you enjoy!